Team Coaching Skills

Supporting teams to achieve high performance

An introduction to Team Coaching for Experienced Coaches

The purpose of this course is for you to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to act as a team coach, for intact teams within your organisation or in other departments.

This programme follows the core standards for team coaching set by EMCC Global and results in individual accreditation.

What is Team Coaching?

A process of coaching the whole team, both together and apart, over a designated period to enable it to align on a common purpose, bring differences together for optimum value, develop shared leadership, achieve performance objectives, effectively engage with stakeholder groups and jointly transform the wider business (Leary-Joyce and Lines, 2018)

Team coaching draws upon skills associated with 

  • individual coaching
  • group coaching 
  • team building
  • team facilitation
  • inter-team coaching
  • organisational development

Integrating skills from these separate areas allows the team coach to work in a versatile way, responding to the unique dynamics of the team, enabling them to develop collectively.

Who should attend this programme?

You will need at least 100 hours of coaching experience, working with a range of clients as an internal or external coach. 

Ideally, your individual coaching will be accredited at Practitioner level or above (equivalent to ICF ACC or ILM Level 5). Prior experience as a facilitator of teams or groups is also recommended.


What are the EMCC Standards?

The following EMCC standards for Team Coaching are integrated throughout the course.
  1. Multi-stakeholder contracting and relationship management
  2. Multi-stakeholder diagnostics
  3. Evidence-based methods of team effectiveness
  4. Systems thinking and group dynamics
  5. Team coaching models and approaches
  6. Managing the team coaching process
  7. Experimentation and adaptability
  8. Partnering with other coaches and facilitators
  9. Developing your own team coaching practice
  10. Supervision and reflective practice
  11. Understanding self and self-development
  12. Self-care and resilience


The Course at a Glance

4 months total duration

75 hours total qualification time

10 × live online taught input sessions

5 × Team coaching practice sessions

Self assessment re learning outcomes

2,000 word essay

The Bigger Picture

Team Coaching Timetable - Tom Battye Coaching


A world-class learning platform, developed for this course, acting as a container for your learning journey over the six-month period.
Taught input, handouts and homework assignments available here, within modules that are unlocked on schedule ready for you to complete.
All learner requirements are made clear and visible, and progress is indicated visually, and overdue tasks are highlighted.
There is a dedicated zone for participants to share resources and  pool materials.
A dynamic system in which engagement is maintained through quizzes, discussion and journaling.
Online Learning Platform

Programme Detail

Module 1


1. Programme Launch

The programme begins with a 1-hour launch event.

This will be your opportunity to

  • Meet the other course participants
  • Understand the programme structure and process
  • Discuss the time commitments that will be required of you.
  • Consider the learning methodology employed by the programme.
  • Familiarise yourself with the online learning platform.
  • Understand what is expected of you for the next three months.

Opening Tutorial
One-to-one meeting with faculty to discuss individual learning outcomes.


2. Introduction to Team Coaching

The first session is an introduction to Team Coaching.

  • Definitions, models, processes and principles of team coaching.
  • How to decide when team coaching is the best category of intervention.
  • The importance of the relationship with the team leader.
  • ‘Scoping, Inquiring, Designing’ for a bespoke team coaching process.
  • Utilising formal team diagnostics and informal team self-assessment tools.

Homework includes:

  • Initiating the conversation with the team leader.
  • Setting expectations with your practice team.

Team Coaching Practice 1

  • You will meet with your practice team for the first time.
  • This will focus on contracting and identifying team purpose.

3. The First Session

This session prepares you to start working with your practice team.

  • The use of individual and team psychometrics.
  • The application of informal team self-assessment tools.
  • Planning the first session.
  • Preparing for the unexpected and working ‘in the moment’.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of ‘paired’ team coaching work.
  • Working with virtual teams

Team Coaching Practice 2

Learners to meet with their practice teams for the second time. This time focusing on building the ‘ways of working’ or ‘terms of reference’ element of the team charter.


4. Maintaining Momentum

We debrief your first team coaching meeting, and plan for the next.

Debriefing the first session

  • What went well?
  • What did you learn?
  • Planning the second session.

New content includes

  • Team charter frameworks – what works.
  • Team vision of success, values and red-card behaviours.
  • Agreeing ‘ways of working’ that are unique to your team.
  • The coach as part of the team system.

Team Coaching Practice 3

You will work with your teams to complete a bespoke team charter and facilitate the conversation they need to have with themselves.


5. Psychological Safety

A foundation of trust is essential in high performing teams.

Techniques for creating psychological safety and trust.

  • Breaking through ‘artificial harmony and enabling ‘healthy conflict’.
  • Observing, understanding and working with team dynamics.
  • Experiential activities that you can use to support team development.

Team Coaching Practice 4

Your penultimate team coaching practice session. You will revisit the model with your teams and discuss the focus for today, perhaps choosing core learning and renewal.


6. Team Coaching Supervision

Introducing team coaching supervision

  • What is team coaching supervision
  • Live supervision exercise/demo – reflecting on practice together
  • Preparing for practice session 4 – focus on core learning

In this session we also look at

  • Goals, Roles, Processes and Interpersonal Relationships

Module 2

Module 3


7. Managing Endings

Preparing for the final session.

  • Reviewing the work with the team and its leader.
  • Closing down this stage of the relationship.
  • Discussing future contact with team.
  • Setting up the team leader to act as team coach.

Introducing the 2000-word essay assignment:

  • “Who am I as a team coach?”
  • Summarising your learning from theory and practice.

Team Coaching Practice 5

The final team coaching practice session. Reviewing the team development journey so far and planning for the next stage. Team members to share commitments.


8. Beyond Team Coaching

Reflecting on the journey as a whole and looking ahead.

  • Debriefing the closing practice sessions just completed.
  • Developing your independent team coaching practice.
  • Creating a resource library of team coaching tools.
  • Supervision, CPD, log-keeping, accreditation.
  • Your development planning.

9. Your Team Coaching Model

Learners to share a summary of their individualised approach and working model with each other. Course wrap-up, personal commitments and farewells.


Homework Activity

As the course draws to a close, now is the time to self-assess against the learning outcomes, complete the 2000-word essay, and generate your team coaching model.


10. Graduation

Course wrap-up, personal commitments and farewells.

For more information, and to book onto the Team Coaching Skills accreditation programme, please contact